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How to Master the Pull Up For Beginners

Having trouble executing the pull up? Here’s an easy to follow pull up technique by Neila Rey. Pull-up is an upper-body compound pulling exercise and also considered one of the best bodyweight exercise for your lats. It’s also one of the best ways to measure the upper body strength of the “pulling muscles”. They are commonly used by armed forces, such as the United States Marine Corps, as a vital way to determine strength among service members.

How to Pull Up:

1. Start off by hanging on the bar, with your palms facing towards you if you are doing a chin-up, away from you if you are doing a pull-up. Keep your legs either in the crossed form, or straight.
2. Pull your body up until your chin clears the bar. Don’t jump up but do it at a slow to medium speed.
3. Finish by lowering your body until arms and shoulder are fully extended back into dead hang position.

Muscles being worked: Primary latissimus dorsi [Latin latus meaning ‘broad’, latissimus meaning ‘broadest’ and dorsum meaning the back] Latissimi dorsi are commonly known as lats. Secondary muscles being worked: upper back, bicep, forarms

Pull up bar is worth buying and installing in your house if you want to work on your upper body. Alternatively, you can go to the nearest playground and use a monkey bar there.

Pull Up Mini Workout:
2 reps and rest for 15 seconds
3 reps and rest for 15 seconds
4 reps and rest for 15 seconds
6 reps

If you are new to pull ups pick a reasonable number, like 10 or 20 and break it into chunks you can handle. Take 15-20 second breaks between goes or spread it throughout the day.

If you can’t do pull ups yet, practice by hanging on the bar first.

Pull up bar is worth buying and installing in your house if you want to work on your upper body. Alternatively, you can go to the nearest playground and use a monkey bar there.

pull up workout

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