Workout RoutinesWorkout Routines for MenWorkout Routines for Women

14 Lower ab workout routine for men and women

All women want tight toned abs but most do not perform the proper Lower ab workout routine to obtain them. The abdominal region consists of several sets of muscles that must all be worked in conjunction to provide the desired results.

Performing simple moves such as crunches or sit ups only work one set of muscles and places extreme strain on the lower back. The best Lower ab workout routine for both men and women consists of compound moves that work all areas of the stomach.

The following moves work mostly the lower abs, but are effective in tightening the entire abdominal region. Beginners should perform exercises such as bent knee hip raises, lying leg raises, bicycle kicks and leg raises to strengthen and prepare the abdominal muscles for more complex moves.

Lower ab exercise beginner


Lower ab exercise intermediate

Once you are proficient in performing the beginner moves, move on to more intermediate ones such as mountain climbers, planks, v-sit ups, scissors, reverse crunches and hanging knee raises. These can be pretty tough, but will work wonders on your abdominals.

For those who are ready for more advanced moves, performing jack knives, hanging leg raises, decline sit ups with shoulder presses and bosu bicycle crunches will take your Lower ab workout routine to the highest level. These moves should be performed three times per week on alternating days.


Lower ab exercise advance

Lower ab workout routine

See how to perform all 14 Lower ab exercise

1. How to do Bent knee hip raise

The ideal repetition range for this exercise will be in the higher limit, so shoot for between 15-30 reps per set. Total sets should be 3-5

2. How to do Lying Leg Raises

Do as many as you can. Beginners 8-12 reps and go for 25-50 reps if you have been doing them for awhile.

3. How to do Bicycle kicks

You’ll be surprised how many people thinks they know how to do the bicycle kicks. Watch this to do it correctly!

4. How to do Leg Lift with Hip Raise

Aim for 5-10 reps or more with good form, without causing any injuries.

5. How to do Mountain climbers

If you’ve done this move before and wondered why you didn’t feel it? Maybe you’ve been doing it the wrong way. Athletes frequently use mountain climbers as a warm-up to increase speed and performance to prepare them for an intense workout that follows.

6. How to Plank

The plank has been a popular core exercise in the past recent years but have you ever seen a video demonstration on how to properly do it? It not, watch this.

7. How to V-Sit ups

V-Sit ups is widely used in the Pilates trainings. This exercise will test your balance while strengthening your core. (not suitable for people with spinal problems)

8. How to do Scissors

Have back pain but still want to work the abs? Try the Scissors! You may not feel this until you do it for a while, so repeat this move for a total of 20 to 30 times on each leg (increase as you go).

9. How to do Reverse crunch

You need to contract your abs together and feel them burn!

10. How to do Hanging Knee Raise

This exercise can be difficult for beginners, try to aim for 10-15 reps. Avoid swinging your legs up. Instead contract your core to generate movement of the exercise.

11. How to do Jack Knife ab workout

The Jack Knife is a bit more challenging than a crunch or a side crunch. Start with 10 reps.

12. Hanging Leg Raise

Some trainers refer to the hanging leg raise as the holy grail of core training. You can develop some serious core strength with this exercise. Do 4-6 reps, increase reps as your strength improves.

13. How to do Decline sit up with shoulder press

Use low repetition, the larger your muscles get the more calories you burn thus giving you those visible abs much quicker. Add intensity by going back further and then holding for one second on the way down on every 2nd rep.

14. How to do Bosu bicycle crunch

Add more intensity to a bicycle crunch by performing them on a Bosu ball.

Have any thoughts or comments about the routine? Please share them in the comment section below.

3 thoughts on “14 Lower ab workout routine for men and women

  • Thank you for your help on Exericses workouts on lower abdominal information .it well help me on my fitness jorney on staying fit and healthy .sincerely Reynaldo j Martinez .

  • These are so helpful for a recovering cancer patient! Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS

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