
Contraversial Food Coloring Found In Protein Powder

The sports nutrition industry — and protein powder specifically — is full of misleading labels and exaggerated claims to what the product can actually do. The team at spent weeks researching the industry, consulting fitness and health experts, and examining the nutritional content of nearly 700 protein powder formulas. Ultimately, they determined that wholesome ingredients, free from artificial flavors and potentially harmful additives, made for the most effective fuel. In their quest to find the best protein powder, they omitted formulas with controversial ingredients, including the artificial sweeteners and food coloring shown in this graphic.

Keep an eye out for these ingredients in your protein powder labels!



One thought on “Contraversial Food Coloring Found In Protein Powder

  • I have found the my favorite Protein Powder is the Vega Chocolate. I feel amazing when I drink it. It has a chalky taste/texture if you don’t blend it though.

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