Fat To FitMen's Transformation

Aspiring Bodybuilder Adam Foster Body Transformation Interview

Name: Adam Foster
Start age: 23
Current age: 24
Start weight: 215
End of transformation weight: 190
Height: 5”10
Total weight lost or weight gain: 25 lbs lost

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Why did you decided to transform?

To start competing as a bodybuilder.

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What keeps you motivated?

Competing in bodybuilding shows. Each show I try and better my size or condition from the previous show. This is what keeps me motivated.


How often do you workout?

My typical split is 6 days of weights. When training for a competition, depending on how my cardio falls, i train 6-7 days a week.


Please share your workout routine:

Monday: Legs/Shoulders

Tuesday: Chest/Bi’s

Wednesday: Back/Tris

Thursday: Shoulders/Legs

Friday: Bis/Chest

Saturday: Tris/Back

Sunday: Rest


What’s your most favorite exercise?

I don’t really have a favorite exercise. I go through phases where I really enjoy deadlifts and front squats for back and leg development. But then sometimes I will really enjoy hack squatting or doing a barbell row. It just varies on how I feel.

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What does your diet consist of?

Each day tends to be slightly different. I work towards a macronutritent goal. This obviously differs if im getting ready for a show, and even then the start of my contest prep will be different to 4 weeks before a show.

A typical mass gaining phase though will be around 460 carbs, 260 protein, and around 45 fat.

I eat mostly ‘clean foods’, and my main carb sources are rice, oats and sweet potato. For protein I mainly eat chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and beef. I rarely eat food for fat, as I typically manage to hit my fat intake from eating beef, yolks, and the other foods from my diet.

When I am eating food for fat however, it would be peanut or almond butter. I love it!

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What supplements are your taking?

My supplementation is quite basic. I do experiment with new things from time to time, however my core stack is:

Whey Protein Isolate
Micellar Casein Protein
Creatine Monohydrate
Vitamin C
Multi Vitamin
Beta Alanine

I tend to get the majority of my supplements using my protein discount code site. It’s great as it offers a ton of different discount codes for retailers such as Muscle Food Offers, The Protein Works Discount Codes, Go Nutrition, MyProtein, Bodybuilding Warehouse, Protein Lifestyle and other bulk suppliers based in the UK. There are also a ton of great supplement reviews on there.

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What is your favorite cardio exercise?

My go to machine for cardio is the treadmill or the cross trainer. I prefer the treadmill for LISS, and the cross trainer for HIIT

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Your favorite Gym Tracks, if any?

Im not much of a music person tbh! I generally just listen to wrestling themes haha!

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Do you have a favorite quote?

As I always say in my youtube videos, keep clangin’ and bangin’!


Any advice or tips for aspiring transformers?

Be patient! Its easy to get discouraged and give up when results don’t come in the first few weeks. If you perservere though, you’ll get to a point where everything just ‘clicks’. When you see the results, you’ll be more motivated to keep on going.

The hardest part is to wait for the initial results though!

Social profile:

Website: Shreddybrek.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shreddybreklol
Instagram: shreddybrekgym
Twitter: shreddybrekgym

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