Ariel Gail Personal Trainer – NPC Physique Competitor Transformation Journey
- Why did you decided to transform?
- What keeps you motivated?
- How often do you workout?
- Please share your workout routine:
- What’s your most favorite exercise?
- What does your diet consist of?
- What supplements are your taking?
- What is your favorite cardio exercise?
- Your future fitness goals?
- Any advice or tips for aspiring transformers?
- Social Profile:
- Ariel Gail Transformation Journey:
Name: Ariel Gail
Start age: Weight training for my first competition January 2011 (21 years old)
Current age: 25
Start weight: 155
End of transformation weight: there is no end to my transformation! 😀 onstage about 145-150lbs. Walking around weight non-contest 160.
Height: 5’5″
Total weight lost or weight gain: I’ve been as low as 118lbs in 2012 and as high as 178 in 2013.
Why did you decided to transform?
When I first decided to compete in bodybuilding back in 2011, my first transformation was to loose body fat, look fit and to get onstage. Since then my goals have changed, matured, and transformed into achieving a more muscular look, that is also sustainable for my intense training. 2011/2012 I had a dangerous mindset; I was obsessed with looking/being a certain way (thin) no matter what, which lead down a dark depressive disordered eating self destructive path. Now I am able to see and focus on being healthy and forgiving of myself. Loving all my curves and muscles. Accepting myself for who I am but also pushing for what I can or want to be. You can do anything with your body that you set your mind to. As long as your will to change and courage is greater than staying the same.
What keeps you motivated?
I am a personal trainer and coach in Denver Colorado. My clients, men and women, inspire me daily. I get to go to work and be with people who have chosen to make positive changes in their life through physical fitness. I feel honored when I get to support someone in their physical fitness journey. We get to see physical results but also I have the opportunity to witness mental and emotional changes as a result of training. Their hard work and results inspire me.
I also compete in NPC physical competitions. I have done 2 shows in 2011, 2-2012, 3-2013 and 2 in 2014. Each year I step onstage with a year’s worth of hard work in the gym and dieting with motivation of being better than I was the year before. I learn each year a little bit more about myself and my physical body.
How often do you workout?
I love to work out (with weights). Rest days are tough for me to take, so I force myself because I have learned over time that I do need them to recover. I usually train 5 sometimes 6 days a week.
Monday: chest
Tuesday: back/abs
Wednesday: rest or legs
Thursday: legs or rest
Friday: shoulders
Saturday: biceps/triceps/abs or rest if feeling fatigued/overtrained
Sunday: legs or rest
*(I do legs at least once a week, most weeks twice unless I’m feeling overtrained)
What’s your most favorite exercise?
Most favorite?!…. How about top three? Squats, DB lateral raises, Rows
What does your diet consist of?
Depends on my goals, it changes throughout the year. Diet down for a contest I stick to lean proteins: chicken breast, extra lean turkey, 90% lean grassfed organic ground beef, egg whites and whole omega rich free range eggs. Lots of green vegetables to maintain healthy gut and balance high protein intake. Healthy fats such as coconut oil, raw nuts, avocados, and nut butters (mmm but I have to be careful here cause I’ll eat a whole jar in no time!) Carbs that I have found work for me are mainly sweet and white potato. Real starchy carbs cause me to bloat and hold water. I do not digest oatmeal, brown rice, or quinoa that well, and I’m allergic to all gluten products. My belly is very finicky. What I’ve found to help keep everything in well working order is consuming live probiotic kombucha. I love eating foods that are in season, so summer/fall in Colorado that means beautiful delicious fruit. I defiantly enjoy guilt “free” meals when I’m not competing. I stay away from refined sugar, always. It has always been a trigger for me and I’m just better off having NONE then some. I will make all my own “sweet” treats with gluten free products such as almond flour, coconut flour and sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey, stevia, or banana (cooking).
What supplements are your taking?
I have never been good about staying consistent with my supplements. I have tons of bottles all 1/4 to 1/2 used up then forgotten. However recently I got started on a committed regiment including these essentials, taken in the morning with my first meal:
- Omega 3 fish oil
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Chelated Magnesium glycinate
- Chelated Manganese
- Chelated Iron
- Vitamin B-100 complex
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin C
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Acetyl L Carinitine (for losing body fat during contest prep)
Before/after weight training: glutamine-akg, HumaPro( (basically super bcaa’s).
At night: Glutamine-akg, valerian root (helps with sleep, anxiety) and ZMA (helps with sleep and muscle recovery)
What is your favorite cardio exercise?
Going hiking outdoors in beautiful Colorado
Your future fitness goals?
To continue improving my physique each year, more muscular, maturity in the muscle, better level of conditioning/leanness. Learning more about myself and the process.
Any advice or tips for aspiring transformers?
If you’re struggling to achieve/stick to your goals on your own consider hiring a coach who is knowledgable but also compatible with the type of encouragement/motivation you need.
Social Profile:
Facebook: arielgailphysique
Instagram: arielphysique
Ariel Gail Transformation Journey:
“June 2010 (after college swimming, before weight lifting, 155lbs)”
“1st transformation Jan 2011 to April 2011 journey to my first bodybuilding stage.”
“On stage at my first bodybuilding show, May 2011.”
“Then I gained weight and muscle!”
2011-145lbs, 2012-118lbs, 2013-150lbs, 2014-155lbs

i will like to loose some belly fat and will like to know the best possible way of going about doing so.
Great interview I am inspired by Ariel and the myscle age has gained! Honored to know you gorgeous!