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Top Pelvic Floor Exercises for Men – Erectile Dysfunction Exercises Pics

natural ed remedies

As men get older, many of them experience erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that affects a considerable number of males in the United States. Studies have shown that ED can be observed in anywhere from 18% to 47% of men, and it tends to be more common among men above 40 years old.

ED, characterized by the inability to maintain an erection, can be caused by various factors. Physical problems like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and low testosterone can all contribute to ED. On top of that, psychological factors like disorders, issues with blood flow, hormone imbalances, and nerve injuries can also be involved.

Fortunately, there are options beyond medication like Viagra for treating ED. A study conducted by the University of the West in the United Kingdom found that pelvic exercises helped 40% of men with ED regain normal penile function, leading to a significant improvement of 33.5% in penile function. Another study also indicated the potential benefits of pelvic floor exercises in the treatment of ED.

About Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises and pelvic floor exercises are the same thing and are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises aim to fortify your pelvic floor muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting your bladder and bowel. But the benefits don’t stop there.

Kegels can also enhance your sexual health and help you regain control over incontinence, that pesky leakage of urine and stool.

About Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Located at the base of your pelvis lies a set of muscles that hold the key to maintaining your pelvic organ health. These are your pelvic floor muscles, and they’re more significant than you might think. These muscles are the unsung heroes that relax when you pee, pass gas, or have a bowel movement. They also serve as gatekeepers, helping to prevent unwanted urine leaks.

Identifying Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Before you embark on your Kegel exercise journey, it’s vital to understand how to pinpoint your pelvic floor muscles. Think of these muscles as the ones you’d use to halt your urine stream mid-flow. However, this is not a technique you should employ during every trip to the bathroom, as it can be detrimental.

How to Do Kegel Exercises

Starting your Kegel exercises is simpler than you might imagine. Begin by ensuring your bladder is empty. Then, follow these steps:

  • Contract your pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds, as if you’re pulling in and lifting up your genitals.
  • Don’t forget to keep breathing and avoid holding your breath during the exercise. Counting aloud can help you maintain a steady rhythm.
  • After the contraction, release and relax your muscles for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat this sequence ten times, at least three times every day.

As you progress, you can gradually increase the duration of the contractions and relaxations, starting with 5 seconds and working your way up to 10 seconds.

When to Do Kegel Exercises

  • Ideal settings include lying down on a bed or sitting comfortably in a chair.
  • Performing Kegel exercises while standing can be especially beneficial for those with urinary leakage issues when upright.
  • Incorporate Kegels into your routine before activities such as standing, walking, heading to the bathroom, sneezing, coughing, or laughing.
  • Consistency is crucial; practicing Kegel exercises daily can effectively strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and reduce the likelihood of leaks.

Best Pelvic Floor Exercises for Men Pics

Bent Leg Kickback

leg kicback - Pelvic Floor Exercises

How to do Bent Leg Kickback:

– Begin by positioning yourself with parallel hips and a straight spine.

– Bend one leg at a 90-degree angle while extending the other leg behind you.

– Engage your core, exhale, and press the bent leg back while squeezing your abdominal muscles.

Bicycle Crunchesbicycle kick - Pelvic Floor Exercise


How to do Bicycle Crunches:

– Lie on the floor with your spine parallel to the ground and slightly raised hips.

– Bend one leg at a 90-degree angle and keep the other leg straight and extended in front of you.

– Alternate bringing one knee up toward your chest while simultaneously stretching the opposite leg straight behind you. Engage your core throughout the exercise.

Floor Hip Thrust hip-thrust-glute-bridge

How to do Hip Thrust:

– Lie on your back and lift your hips toward the ceiling, keeping them parallel to the floor.

– Squeeze your glutes and keep your legs bent at a 90-degree angle while pressing your heels into the floor.

– Hold at the top of the thrust for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself back down. Stretch your legs as much as possible for maximum benefit.

Kneeling Hip thrust 

Kneeling Hip thrust Pelvic Floor Exercises

How to do Kneeling Hip thrust:

– Push your hips upward while keeping your legs bent and parallel to the floor.

– Squeeze your glutes, press your heels into the ground, and stretch your leg muscles.

– Engage your core and keep your knees bent to maintain balance during the exercise.

Frog Hip thrust 

Frog Hip Thrusts-pelvic floor exercise

How to do Frog Hip thrust:

– Push your hips upward, keeping them parallel to the ceiling and floor.

– Squeeze your glutes and maintain a 90-degree bend in your legs, pressing your heels into the ground.

– Slowly stretch one leg out until it is parallel to the floor while keeping the knee bent.

– Maintain proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of Frog Hip Thrusts.

Lying Leg Raise


How to do Lying Leg Raise:

– Lie on your back and raise your legs toward the ceiling, focusing on stretching them out.

– Keep your knees bent and close together throughout the exercise.

– Concentrate on stretching your legs as much as possible while keeping them parallel to the floor.

– Repeat the movement 10 times, ensuring proper form and technique.

Plank Knee to Elbow


How to do Plank Knee to Elbow:

– Lie face down on the ground, supporting your upper body with your toes and elbows.

– Alternate bringing one leg up toward the opposite elbow, stretching the core muscles in your back and pelvic floor.

– This exercise is beneficial for improving strength, balance, flexibility, and toning hard-to-reach areas of the body.

Consider Natural ED Supplement Along with Exercise for Faster Results

Using natural ED supplement in combination with pelvic floor exercise for erectile function can be a better choice for many reasons. While prescription drugs like Viagra have proven effective for many.

Here are several compelling arguments in favor of natural ED supplements:

  1. Fewer Side Effects: Natural remedies tend to have fewer side effects compared to prescription drugs. Viagra and similar medications can cause headaches, flushing, digestive issues, and visual disturbances in some people. Natural remedies, when used correctly are less likely to produce adverse effects.
  2. Safety and Long-Term Health: Many natural remedies such as dietary changes, exercise, and herbal supplements all promote overall health and well-being. They address underlying health issues that can contribute to erectile dysfunction, such as obesity, cardiovascular problems, or high blood pressure. This holistic approach can improve your long-term health and potentially resolve the issue permanently.
  3. Lower Cost: Prescription medications like Viagra can be expensive and often require ongoing use. Natural herb remedies on the other hand can be more cost-effective in the long run. They may involve lifestyle changes or don’t require a recurring prescription.
  4. Reduced Dependency: Prescription drugs can create dependency. Individuals may feel they need the medication to maintain sexual function. Natural ED supplement encourage self-reliance and empower individuals to make lifestyle choices that can enhance their sexual health.
  5. Avoiding Drug Interactions: Some individuals may be taking multiple medications, and drug interactions can be a concern with prescription drugs. Natural ED Supplement are less likely to have adverse interactions with other medications you may be taking.