
7 Signs Testosterone Is Dangerously Low

If your testosterone levels are low, commonly known as having low T, the health effects may go well beyond the gym and the bedroom, says Bradley Anawalt, M.D., a UW Medicine endocrinologist and a spokesman for the Endocrine Society.

According to studies, men may experience low T in your 20’s or 30’s even though the majority of men experience a slight decline in testosterone with age.

Men’s Average Testosterone Level by Age

The decline in testosterone levels associated with aging is not the same as testosterone deficiency, according to Darshan Patel, M.D., assistant professor of Urology at the University of California San Diego’s Men’s Health Center.

7 Signs Testosterone Is Dangerously Low

1. Your Sex-Drive Disappears as a Result of Low Testosterone

Male sex-hormone testosterone levels fall below normal if you have low T. It can have an impact on your sexual life as your sexual desire decrease and erectile dysfunction could develop (ED).

How do I know if my sex-drive is low?

First things first, the male sex-drive isn’t one size fits all that means that every single man’s libido is unique. Only you can tell when your libido is lower than what you perceive to be your normal.

Feeling less excited to aa attractive women every so often isn’t usually something to worry about. It’s something that can happen to any man and there’s normally a pretty straight forward reason. 

If you’re confident that you lost your libido altogether. The root of this typically boils down to either a psychological, physical, or medical reason.

Mental health

Mental health can have a major impact on your sex-drive if you suffer from anxiety or depression they can often cause your libido to lower. It’s also the medications used to treat them other psychological causes such as stress low self-esteem. Any history of negative sexual experiences can all impact a man’s libido which affect their interest altogether.

If you think that psychological reasons may be to blame a key first step is to talk about it with a professional we can often forget to look after our mental health as well as our physical health. 

Getting the right guidance and support can make a huge difference to both next up the physical spending too much or too little time in the gym can negatively impact your libido. That’s right! whether you have been working out a lot more or a lot less it can cause a dip in your sex-drive. 

Physical or medical reasons

Any surgery you have had might also affect your desire as well. Conditions that might cause a low sex drive such as diabetes, high blood pressure, neurological diseases, or arthritis amongst the number of others another common medical cause can be a change in hormone levels and low testosterone.

Lifestyle habits such as too much alcohol or smoking the last of the common causes for low libido in men.

Can a man regain his libido?

Unfortunately, there is no simple yes or no answer you see treatment options. This depend entirely on the underlying cause that we just mentioned. Whether you’ve lost your libido for psychological reasons or medical, what you can do to improve it is going to differ.

Lifestyle changes is most recommended to improve a man’s libido and help regain sexual desire. Healthy, and balanced diet, managing stress levels, and trying to get a good quality sleep every night are all equally important.  

If you don’t feel any benefits from these changes and you suspect that your libido is a result of something medical such as an underlying condition. Speak with your doctor they will be able to offer advice or even refer you to a specialist for assessment or treatment.

2. Struggle to Get an Erection

It is a known fact that low testosterone levels can lead to difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection. It is also worth noting that erectile dysfunction or ED can have a range of causes, including medication side effects, psychological factors, and underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or vascular disease.

There are also several medications that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra and Levitra. However, they do come with side effects if you have high blood pressure or cardio vascular disease. We recommend Red Boost to maintain optimal bloodflow, the main ingredient Icariin is a powerful male performance herb that’s been used for centuries in Asia.

3. Manhood Size May Shrink

Your penis may become smaller as a result of low testosterone. According to Dr. Ramin, the tissues in your penis, scrotum, and testicles can shrink or atrophy if your testosterone levels aren’t stable. Your penis can become shorter and rounder as a result. You might also notice that your testicles size have decreased. They often shrivel to half the size and turn squishy instead of firm, he says.

Although testosterone replacement therapy won’t increase your testicular volume, it “has a decent probability of returning its glory” in terms of your penis, according to Dr. Ramin.

4. Link Between Testosterone and Depression

Depression and low testosterone levels can interact in a way that worsens each condition. Low testosterone can contribute to depression symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and loss of libido. At the same time, depression itself can also lead to decreased testosterone levels.

This can create a cycle of worsening risks for both conditions. Fortunately, there are treatments available for both depression and low testosterone levels.

Antidepressants medication are often used for treating depression, and testosterone replacement therapy may alleviate symptoms associated with low T-levels. It is best to consult a doctor in order to determine an effective treatment plan specifically for you.

5. Low Testosterone Effect Bone Density

Low testosterone levels can have a negative effect on bone density that can lead to bone loss and an increased risk of fractures upon impact. This is because testosterone plays a role in bone formation and bone health.

6. Energy Levels Drop

Low testosterone levels can lead to chronic fatigue, a condition where a person feels tired and low in energy for extended period of time. This will cause changes in libido, sleep patterns and other aspects of a person’s life. The good news is that there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms of chronic fatigue caused by low testosterone levels. With proper management, it is possible to reduce the severity of the symptoms and improve quality of life.

7. Hair Loss is Sign of Low Testosterone 

One of the most common signs of low testosterone is hair loss. Testosterone is the hormone that regulate’s hair growth and it plays a key role in hair growth, When T-levels are low, hair loss can occur. Of course, there are other causes of hair loss, but if you’re experiencing sudden or excessive hair loss, it could be a sign that your testosterone levels are low. This can lead to thinning hair or even complete baldness.

When to Talk to Your Physician About Low Testosterone

Talk to your doctor about getting your testosterone levels evaluated if you’re noticing any of these symptoms. If you have low T, your doctor might recommend testosterone therapy.

It is generally not necessary for people to worry about their exact testosterone number unless they are experiencing symptoms of concern,” according to Dr. Black.

Your doctor test your testosterone levels after you begin therapy or change your dosage to ensure that your levels aren’t too high.

Blood Test – The Most Accurate Low-T Test 

There are 3 methods for checking for testosterone saliva, urine, and blood test but the most accurate.

Your symptoms are diagnosed by doctors to determine whether you have low T.  You will then require two blood tests, which should be done in early the morning when testosterone levels are highest. Depending on the lab, the cut-off for suspected testosterone deficiency is typically between 264 and 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or lower.


The symptoms mention in this article  don’t necessarily indicate low testosterone on their own. The good news is that many of the negative health effects of low testosterone can be recovered or improved with testosterone therapy, if low T is determine as the actually cause. Also be sure to read 6 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels For Men.

It’s best to discuss any concerns with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. If medication is the cause, changing or adjusting the dosage of the medication may be administor. If psychological factors are the cause, therapy may be recommended.


Bhasin S., Brito J.P., Cunningham G.R., Hayes F.J., Hodis H.N., Matsumoto A.M., Snyder P.J., Swerdloff R.S., Wu F.C., Yialamas M.A. Testosterone therapy in men with hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2018;103:1715–1744. doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-00229. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar] [PubMed]

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