How to Realistically Get RIPPED V-Cut Abs Fast

RIPPED V-Cut Abs Fast

Want to get those ripped V-cut abs fast that you see plastered all over Instagram? First and most importantly when it comes to getting ripped six pack abs obviously you can’t be overweight. You should be under 20% body fat if you want to obtain nice abdominal muscles.

There is no such thing as instantaneous treatment when it comes to losing weight. You can’t just pinpoint one area and lose fat in that certain area.

When it comes to building that ripped abs, you need to be burning that candle from both ends. Not only should you be cutting the fat on the outside, but you should be building the muscle from the inside out.

The rectus abdominus AKA your six-pack muscles starts from the bottom of your chest down into your pelvis. It consists of three different sections including your upper abs, your lower abs, and your oblique’s.

Build Muscle Mass to Obtain V-cut Abs

Muscle mass increases your basal metabolic rate. It means the more muscle mass you have the more energy your body burns during the day because it has to supply those muscles with energy. In other words you burn more calories even when you rest when you have more muscle mass.

Cardio Workout for Ripped Abs

The best form of cardio is not running, biking, or weight resistance training. It’s actually to jump rope. A widely cited study found that jumping rope is one of the most effective cardio exercises

Aerobic cardio is a cardio that you do long-term, it’s not too strenuous to your muscles. You can do it and maintain your energy for quite some time when doing it.

Jump roping is 4 times as effective as both bicycling and running. You can burn over a thousand calories in one hour of jump roping.

This is going to make you shred that weight off faster. It will melt fat off your body like butter on a hot car in the middle of summer if you’re trying to cut your weight down.

Get V-Cut Abs with these 3 Exercises

1. Almighty Leg Lift

The first exercise is leg lifts. Lie flat on the floor, plant your butt and your shoulders into the ground. Then, you have to raise your legs until you create a 90-degree angle at your hips. Do this for 3 consecutive times or as many times you can do and you’ll definitely be feeling the burn in your lower abs.

2. Hanging Leg Raises

This is aim to target your lower abs and all the muscles around your abdomen.

Find a pull-up bar or something to hang off.

Release all tension in your upper body, position your arm, and bring your knees up into your chest.

Squeeze your abs all the way through.

3. Reverse Crunches

What this does is it transfers the point flexion from your upper abs to your lower abs.

Lay down on your back in a crunch position but instead of planting your feet on the ground, lift your legs up, and cross them at the ankle. Then, crunch just like you normally would.

Just like any other muscle when you break apart those fibers, they are going to build it back, bigger and stronger. That’s what getting fit is all about.

Cycle through these 3 exercises and do 3 rounds of this. We recommend doing it every other day, but you have to give yourself a little bit of time to rest and recover from the previous day.


Nutrition is hands down the most important part of getting lean. You don’t have to starve yourself to get v-cut abs in the beginning. It’s more important to change your eating habit, yes it’s difficult for everybody for the first few weeks you will adapt eventually.

How much Protein to Get ripped V-cut Abs

The next most important component of your six pack abs diet meal plan is how much protein it contains. Whether you shoot for the lower end or higher end of this range however will depend on your body fat. Those with more body fat will require less protein. Most of you will end up with a goal of 1 gram per pound of your bodyweight, for example a goal of 180 grams of protein if you weighed 180 lbs.

The number of meals you eat per day for weight loss will determine how many calories and how much protein will be contained in each meal. That being said, protein frequency is important to minimize the risk of muscle loss as you lose fat.

There’s an ideal range you’ll want to stick within. This seems to be between roughly 3-6 high protein meals per day, each separated by a few hours. This is where personal preference is key. Whatever you pick should best suit your schedule and keep you full and energized throughout the day.

Once you’ve picked the number of meals you’d like to eat, divide your protein intake up evenly across the number of meals.

Cheat Meals

It’s not completely forbidden to cheat from time to time but your daily food intake should consist of quality foods rather than highly processed calorie without any nutritional value. It’s just going to make you build fat around your abs quicker. If you’re eating too little your body tries to spend less energy and adapts the metabolism to the low amount of calories.

Under eating on a regular basis can lead to a number of mental physical and emotional health issues. It also undermines the ability of your body to build muscle.

Water Water Water

Drink plenty of water. When you drink lots of water consistently, it actually makes you appear more shredded because you are not retaining water.

When you get dehydrated, your body retains all the water that it can find because it doesn’t know when your next water drink will be.

Not only because you don’t want to retain the water, but when drinking lots of water when the bladder is full, the abs and v-cuts are more noticeable. It’s how to obtain those shredded abs.

Keep up with these tips and be consistent with it. Eventually, you will achieve your desired abdominal look.