
How to Easily Gain Weight and Bulk up

In this article we’re going to talk about the basics of how to bulk up or transform a skinny body into a muscular body. Now there are people who have a natural high metabolism (they remain skinny regardless of what they eat) their very thin and their looking to try and gain muscle mass. There are a couple things you need to know and how goals are going to be set:

Strength training

You have to include strength training. When strength training you need to lift heavy weights if your goal is bulking. Which mean low repetitions along with heavy weight lifting. So, for example somebody who is doing weight training just to maintain their health might be aiming for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions with weights light enough for them to do a variety of exercise.

If your looking to actually increase the size of your muscles you don’t won’t to do anymore than 8 repetitions maximum per set. The other thing to keep in mind is you don’t want to weight train more than 3-4 times in a week. If your somebody with a high metabolism you don’t need to be in the gym every single day. So try to weight train for no more than 3 times a week hitting different muscle groups each time with big heavy weights and low amount of repetitions.


As for your food make sure your fueling your body properly so that means your going to be including plenty of lean protein and complex carbohydrate. Lean protein sources such as chicken breast, sirloin, tuna, any type of seafood is going to be a lean source.

Make sure your eating plenty and feel satisfy when your eating. As for complex carbohydrate that’s going to be your energy food such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, pastas, and other whole grain food products. You also don’t want to neglect fruits and vegetables, make sure you include them into your diet as they also provide energy for your workouts.

Another thing you need to make sure to include source of healthy fat that’s going to give you extra calories that will help you gain weight. Good healthy sources of fat are nuts, seeds, olive, avocado, and cooking oil like canola or olives. You want all those components to actually bulk up, your foods as well as heavy lifting.

Final note:

If you decide to proceed on to bodybuilding as a sport. You would need to increase your calorie intake as your goal has now change to focusing on gaining more muscle mass. Along with your protein diet that needs to increase for bigger gains. The amount of protein needed for specific height and body weight can be calculated.

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