Your back is one of the most biggest and most complex areas of your body. It is used in almost every activity you perform, especially lifting, so it is worth taking the time to exercise it properly to keep it supple and healthy.

Exercising your back will improve muscle definition, posture and core strength, helping to prevent injury. As well as increasing muscle size and strength, weight training is one of the best ways to burn fat and tone muscles. There is a common misconception that weight training adds bulk. THIS IS WRONG. Training can be tailored to suit men and women of all ages and level of fitness.

Moreover, intense workouts elevate metabolism for several hours following the workout, which also promotes fat loss. Stronger muscles improve posture, provide better support for joints, and reduce the risk of injury from everyday activities.


The goal!

1. Tone and Burn Fat
Perform 3 sets of 12-20 reps using a light weight (60-70% of 1 rep max.) rest for 30-90 seconds between sets

2. Increase Muscle Size
Perform three to four sets of 6-12 reps using a moderate weight (70-80% of 1 rep max.) rest for 1-2 minute between sets.

3. Increase strenght
Perform five sets of 2-6 reps using a heavy weight (85-100%) rest for 3-5 minutes between sets.


Back workout routine

Muscle worked:

  • sides of back (latissimus dorsi)
  • upper back and neck (trapezius and rhomboids)
  • shoulders
  • biceps

Tips: Start with your arms straight and your torso almost upright. Don’t lean back to generate momentum. Lower the bar to chest level.

Muscle worked:

  • sides of back (latissimus dorsi)
  • upper back and neck (trapezius and rhomboids)
  • biceps

Tips: Keep your back straight when performing these exercise and do not lean back to generate momentum.

Muscle worked:

  • sides of back (latissimus dorsi)
  • biceps
  • upper back and neck (trapezius and rhomboids)
  • abdominal

Tips: Start with straight arms and finish with your chin above the box. Do not generate momentum by swing or lifting your legs, although bending your leg at the knees is fine.

Muscle worked:

  • Lower back (erector spinae )
  • biceps
  • buttlocks (glutes)

Tips: When performing these exercise, move in a controlled manner.

See back workout infographic on next page..


Warm Up and Cool Down – Before trainng raise your heart rate through 5-10 minute light cardio exercise and perform exerciseswith little or no weight, to prepare your muscles and joints for heavy weight. After training stretch the major to groups to aid recovery and return your muscles to their normal state.

Change your workout – Vary the length of rest periods, the number of reps, and weights used. For example try taking one second to lift the weight and five seconds to lower, or taking your rest time between exercises and see how your body responds! Did you know your body can adapt to repetitive exercise programs in 4 weeks.

Technique – After lying down, ensure your whole back is contract with the floor or equipment, and your abs is tight. When standing keep your back straight and abs tight, bend your knees slightly and avoid using your momentum to lift the weight.

Hydration affects performance and resistance to injury. It is important to stay hydrated before, during and after your workout by drinking plenty of water. This is particularly true in hot environments.

back workout routine

Graphics by posterfit.com