Categories: ArticleNutritions

Ultimate Guide to Post Workout and Muscle Recovery Infographic

As any gym bunny will tell you, what you do after the gym is just as significant as what you do before the gym. It’s vital that you take care of your body before, during and after every workout. This ensures that you’re getting the utmost out of every sweat session. Working out is tough – so why waste your time training with the correct supplementation?

Disregarding your body’s dietary needs after a workout will mean your training will be less effective and your training goals will become more unattainable. Additionally, it’s extremely importan-t that you allow your muscles time to fully recover after a training session – if you don’t, your body will suffer the consequences.

The good news is there are a huge variety of post-workout supplements that will help your body recover properly as well as allowing your body to absorb the right nutrients. The benefits are endless. They include: helping to repair damaged muscles, helping to reduce the chances of getting a cold or cough, minimise body inflammation and help to refuel your energy stores. Therefore it’s of the utmost importance that you refuel after every workout. This mean you need to take the right supplements or food right after your training session and after 30-60 minutes.

Need to know the basics? Supplement Mart made this informative infographic that gives us all the information we need to know about post-workout supplementation, muscle recovery and post-workout nutrition. Let’s have a look!

What is your post-workout routine? Tell us about it in the comment section below!

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