Top 8 Arm Toner Workouts For Women

The Workout:

Start with a light 5 minute cardio exercise prior to doing the arm workouts. Choosing the correct weight is important for correct form. Use weights that will fatigue you by the end each sets. Perform each exercise according to the chart. You can switch around the exercise on each session to keep the muscle guessing.


Top 8 Arm Toner Workouts For Women

1. Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press

The overhead press involves moving a barbell or dumbbells from the shoulder and pushing it up above the head until the elbows are fully locked out. As the bar clears the head, the lifter leans forward slightly in order to keep balance. As the bar is lowered back to the shoulders and clears the head again, the lifter leans slightly back.

The overhead press is a highly effective compound upper-body exercise. Performing it standing recruits many more muscle groups in order to maintain balance and support the lift, rather than performing it seated. Like the squat and deadlift, it can be thought of as a whole-body exercise, to some extent.

2. Standing Dumbbell Curl

The fullest range of motion is when the elbows begin in full extension, in a supine grip. The biceps contract to lift the weight upward through an arc, to a point where further movement is not possible. Some lifters also do partial reps (such as in “21s”) focusing on the top or bottom position.

3. Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

Tricep Kickback is another popular arm workout aim to target the triceps. Extend your arm all the way back by bending at the elbow while keeping your shoulder fixed in the same position. Keep your wrist fixed; concentrate on squeezing your triceps to lift the weight rather than throwing it back.

Return to the start position. Do not simply drop your arm—this step

To make this arm workout more challenging, position your left arm so that your elbow is slightly above your shoulder. [1]

4. Dumbbell Lateral Raise

The Dumbbell Lateral Raise (also known as shoulder fly, lateral raise) works the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and parts o the arm. The movement starts with the arms straight, and the hands holding weights at the sides or in front of the body. Arms are kept straight or slightly bent, and raised through an arc of movement in the coronal plane that terminates when the hands are at approximately shoulder height. Weights are lowered to the starting position, completing one “rep”.

5. Hammer Curls

The biceps curl is usually performed with the palms supinated (facing upwards). Turning the palms inward transfers load from the biceps to the brachioradialis. Variations on this concept include the hammer curl, performed with the palm inward, neither pronated nor supinated,[7] and the reverse curl, with the palms pronated (facing downwards).

6. Triceps Dips

To perform a dip for arm workout, the exerciser hangs from a dip bar or from a set of rings with his arms straight down and shoulders over his hands, then lowers his body until his arms are bent to a 90 degree angle at the elbows, and then lifts his body up, returning to the starting position. Short people are able to cope better with a narrower grip, but not with a wider one.

Due to natural flexibility in the shoulder joints, it is important to try to “lock” them as much as possible during this exercise. Otherwise, the supporting rotator cuffs may become strained.

7. Bent Over Barbell Rows

A bent over barbell row (or barbell row) is a weight training compound exercise that targets the arms and a variety of back muscles. Which ones are targeted varies on form. The bent over row is often used for both bodybuilding and powerlifting. It is a good exercise for increasing strength and size.

8. High Box Jump

Plyometrics, also known as “jump training” or “plyos”, are exercises based around having muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing both speed and power. This training focuses on learning to move from a muscle extension to a contraction in a rapid or “explosive” manner, for example with specialized repeated jumping.

– Jump on to and off of a large box 18″ or higher.

Depth jumps can be very hard on your back and knees, and overusing them as an exercise tool can cause serious injury.

Be sure to take at least 2 to 3 minutes between each arm workout set and to rest at least one day between workouts.