The DEADLIFT Exercise Anatomy

If you reading this post then must of agree that the deadlift is one of the BEST exercises out there. We all know that it makes you physically stronger, but the nature of the exercise also builds mental toughness. The deadlift is an excellent exercise that will strengthen the core and give you six-pack abs. Or if you’re a guy who has trouble adding muscle, heavy deadlifts will help you out due to the testosterone and growth hormone alterations, which play on muscle hypertrophy.
No matter what the exercise, as soon as heavy weights are involved, it is essential to create a “block.”
1. Expanding the chest and holding a deep breath fills the lungs, which support the rip cage and prevents the chest from collapsing forward.
2. Contracting the abdominal muscle group supports the core and increases the intra-abdominal pressure, which prevents the torso from collapsing forward.
3. Finally, arching the low back by contracting the lumbar muscles positions the spinal column in extension.

These three actions together are referred to as blocking, which keeps you from rounding the back (vertebral flexion). A rounded back when lifting heavy weights can cause a herniated disc.

Want to see all the workout anatomy, get this top seller book by Frederic Delavier
