Lose Weight Fast in 4 Weeks with 10 Total Body at Home Workout

Your body stores fat at different parts so you must target different major muscles groups in order to burn fat and lose weight. The best way to lose weight is by replacing fatty tissue with lean muscle.

Turn your body into a “FAT BURNING MACHINE” . You will be able to burn tons of calories and utilizing stored fat from the upper body, midsection, and lower body with this workout routine.

Compound exercises that work many muscle groups at the same time are “more effective than isolation exercises at burning fat,” says Len Kravitz, Ph.D., coordinator of exercise science at the University of New Mexico.

In the following video Joanna Soh will demonstrate a total body workouts to burn fat and lose weight quick. It’s going to be focusing a lot on your legs because that’s the largest part of your body, your chest, biceps, triceps, shoulder as well as you back. By increasing your heart rate you will burn more calories.

The routine will use only your bodyweight but make no mistake they are just as effective as working out in the gym. Whether it be working out in a gym or at-home, both share a same key to success.

The Workout Routine

The routine consist of 10 exercises, 1 minute each 40 seconds workout, 20 second rest. Perform all 10 exercise back to back. Rest for 1 minute and repeat. Do 4 circuits in total. Total workout time is 44 minutes.

Joanna recommends this exercise to be perform 3 days weekly for 4 weeks together with 3 days of 30-45 minute cardio intervals such as swimming, jogging for best results.

  • Estimate Cals burn is between 350 – 450 Cals. The heavier you are, the more you burn.

1. Jumping Jacks

Breath in and out as you do the jumping jacks and find the rhythm to your breathing and it’ll make your workout easier.

Note: Rotator cuff injuries have been reported from consistently doing jumping jacks over time. To avoid injury you may also perform “half-jacks”, these are done the same way, except you only bring your arms parallel to your shoulders and back down.

2. Pushups

Hands shoulder width apart. Go all the way down and push up with your chest. Keep your core tight and back straight. Do as many as you can in 40 seconds and as you progress you will be able to do more reps (this applies to all the exercises in this routine).

3. Mountain Climber

Moutain climber is an exercise that strengthen multiple muscle groups in addition to the cardiovascular system. Perform this exercise as if you were climbing a moutain. As you progress made by me you will be able to bring the speedup. This exercise will work your legs, upper body, and core at the same time.

4. Alternate lunges

Push down with your alternate leg while squeezing your glutes at the same time. Try to keep your legs in a 90 degree angle through out your movement. This is excercise is considered a total lower body workout.

5. High knee

By increasing your heart rate with this exercise, in-turn will make your body burn more calories. Put your arms up and jump up with your knees touching your hands as high as you can.

6. Tricep dip

Put both legs in front with your body up, knees bent slightly, hands place on the floor shoulder width apart. This exercise will focus on toning your arm.

7. Burpees

Burpees is a very efficient body weight workout for losing weight. It can be a bit difficult for at first but will get easier as you progress. Place your hand as if you were doing pushups, push both legs back, bring it back in and jump up, repeat. Do as many as you can in 40 seconds and you’ll eventually be able to do more.

8. Squat

Although squat mainly focus on toning your legs, it also promote muscle growth around your entire body. Squat is a exercise that increases strength in both upper and lower body. The exercise is so intense that it creates an anabolic environment that makes the body release vital hormones needed for your muscles tissue to grow. While keeping your back straight push yourself off the ground with your heals not with your toes.

9. Plank

Plank is an excellent core workout. It concentrates on your abs and your lower back at the same time. Place both elbows on the flow and keep your back in a straight line throughout the exercise or you will feel a lower back pain. You will feel your core and abs burning in no time with this exercise.

10. Spiderman plank

Spiderman plank will workout your side abs. Bent your knees up towards your waist.

10 Total Body at Home Workout Video


So that’s it for this workout routine. Try your best to complete the program according to Joanna’s advice. If you tried this routine, let us know the results, please share it with others in the comment section below.

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