KILLER Ab Challenge Workout

killer abs workout routine

The benefits of ab challenge workout is that you can improve both strength and stamina by intense workout challenge. Challenge to get you sculpted and defined abs that you have been looking for.

This challenge will help you sculpt a more defined set of abs as well as increasing your core strength. It won’t be easy, but the workouts are short, you can do them at home and the exercises are suitable for all fitness levels.

Rest days are very important as working out days. If you push it too hard without a break, then the stress is too much to handle, that’s where injuries can happen with this type of workout.

The ab challenge workout:

Do 5 cycles of the following routine. Take 2-3 minutes rest in between cycles and 10 sec rest between exercises.

Start with the star toe-touch sit-ups and finish with jump rope will count as 1 cycle.

Do reps according to each exercise, it’s o.k if your having difficulty at the beginning, gradually work your way up. Add more cycles for more advance training.

The benefits of ab challenge is that you can improve both strength and stamina by intense workout challenge