65 Pound Lost Female Body Transformation

Name: Crystal Goode
Age: – 27 years old
Transformation Start: age 23
Final Transformation: age 27
Start weight: 215 pounds
End of transformation weight: 150 pounds
Height: 5’6”
Bodyfat loss: 18%

Why did you want to make the change?: “To become healthy and fit for myself and my family”.

How did you lose the weight?: “Training hard 5-6 x a week. Cardio, HIIT, Insanity, hiking”.

Diet: diet is between 1500 to 2200 calories:


Half a toast with peanut butter, banana, and honey
Half a toast with egg, spinach and avocado.

65 Pound Lost Female Body Transformation

Lunch :

Starbucks grande iced mocha
Cut up cucumbers with ranch
Brown rice and vegetarian chili


Hummus and pita chips

Dinner :

Roasted potatoes with green beans
Deviled eggs
Baked garlic chicken

Workout: “5-6 times a week in the gym. 45 min of HIIT and 1 hr of weight training”.

What kept you motivated?: “Dedication”

Advice for people who want to transform their bodies:  “I’ve learned if you stay dedicated that you can accomplish anything. It may be extremely hard but hard work pays off. Just have to believe in yourself.”

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