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3 Powerful Tips To Break Weight Loss Plateau


We know how it feels to be doing really good on your weight loss journey and all of a sudden the number on scale has spike! You cannot get below that weight or maybe get below that 3 to 5 pound range. So we’re going to talk about some things that we found that has proven to work to break those weight loss plateaus.

1. Time and Frequency

Whenever you hit a plateau, you need to immediately change the intensity of your exercise or the type of exercise that you are doing . For example, if you have been running for once or twice a week and weightlifting a couple days a week. You should reverse that to give my body a change in the intensity level of your exercise. Or if you choose a running program that you run a couple of miles a day, you can increase that to running a couple miles on some days and then on other days run 5 miles for example.

This doesn’t have to be something that you do personally in terms of the length or distance or time. You may already run more miles than the given example or you maybe less. The key is to adjust according to your personal goals. The most important thing we want to emphasize on this first tip is that you need to change the frequency, amount of time working out, and also the intensity of your workout in order to see a significant change.

2. Recalculating your macros and/or calorie intake

Macros is just short for your macronutrients which are going to be your fats, carbs, and proteins. There are plenty of information online on recalculating. Many use calories and that’s fine. You want to recalculate your macros because as you get smaller in order for you to hit your next goal weight, you have to eat for your new goal!

For example you start off at 250 pounds and you’re down to 200 pounds, you can’t still be eating the same as the 200 pound goal to reach your next goal. If you’re still eating at that rate then you’re going to stay there and plateau. You’re simply going into a maintenance phase. What you want to do is lower that calorie intake, lower your macro count, so that you can move towards your new goal is. And if your new goal weight is 180 pounds, then you need to be eating for that goal. No progress will be made if you’re still eating from your previous goal.

3. Setting non-scale victories

The third and final thing is probably the most IMPORTANT is setting non scale victories. When you start to get smaller the scale becomes less important because you’re losing fat and building muscle. When you’re building that muscle the scale can be inaccurate, you want to focus more on body fat percentage instead of focusing on the number on the scale.

The way that you can do that of course is by measuring your body fat. If you have access to a scale at your local gym. If not, you can always track these things by just using your clothes or use the mirror. Using before and after pictures to set new goals and measurements is also a great way to track progress.

A good example of non-scale victory would be something like fitting into a dress that you haven’t fit into in a while or buying a dress and a size that you’ve never fit into. Hang it up in your closet or mirror as a goal to reach.

The other part of that is setting actual athletic type of goals. For example run a mini marathon. You want to set a goal so that you have something to work towards and then once you accomplish that, the things that you have to do physically in order to reach the athletic goal will help you to again lose the weight that you are trying to lose.

We hope that this has helped you a bit if not at all, please leave a comment below and let us know if you’re going to try any of these tips.