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Top 7 Deadlift Benefits for Women

Deadlift Benefits for Women

Before we get into the topic deadlift benefits for women. Deadlifts are considered one of the greatest compound exercises to work your entire body to improve your feminine proportions through better toning and the development of lean muscle.

This is an exercise that’s going to work your whole body, a true full body movement.

Get Rid of Stereotypes

Women are scared that deadlift exercise are going to make you bulky.

You will not get bulky, you do not have enough muscle testosterone in your body to make you get massive amounts of muscle. You don’t have to use heavy weights for deadlift. You can go lightweight and still get good results as long as you’re doing it with correct form.

Unlike common belief, deadlifts do not distort one’s femininity, but improves on their physique.

1. Boosting Back Strength for Women

The back strength gained through deadlifting is greatly increased, a benefit that many women choose to ignore. Gaining the advantages of deadlifts requires understanding the value of a strong back and putting any anxieties about this exercise to rest.

Many women tend to underestimate the significance of back strength in general. However, a robust back is fundamental for overall stability, daily activity, posture, and injury prevention.

Deadlifts, a compound exercise, target several muscle groups, including the back, making them instrumental in promoting strength and functionality.

2. Deadlift Stimulate Fat Loss for Women

Incorporating deadlifts into your exercise routine is a smart move for women seeking effective fat loss. Deadlifts outshine traditional cardio exercises when it comes to burning fat, making them a crucial component of any weight loss journey due to their capacity to ignite muscle growth, which in turn accelerates fat burning processes [1].

This powerhouse exercise works to incinerate a substantial amount of calories, making it a top choice for those aiming to shed fat effectively. Deadlifts go beyond targeting just belly fat, contributing to an overall reduction in body fat. Engaging multiple muscle groups during the workout enhances higher fat-burning potential [1].

3. Improve Posture

Deadlifts improve posture by focusing on core stabilization and targeting lower back muscles, strengthening the spine and spinal erector muscles. This increased strength enables the body to maintain a straighter spine, contributing to better posture.

Moreover, deadlifts effectively alleviate low back pain while enhancing muscle development in the lower back and core. Contrary to common fears, when performed correctly, deadlifts aid in reducing back pain and fostering improved posture.

4. Work Multiple Muscle Groups At The Same Time

This compound movement effectively targets the lower body, including the hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps, and calves, providing a comprehensive workout for the legs. Additionally, deadlifts engage the muscles of the back, particularly the erector spinae, lats, and traps, strengthening the entire posterior chain.

One of the primary muscle groups engaged during a deadlift is the erector spinae, a set of muscles along the spine responsible for maintaining an erect posture. These muscles work to support and stabilize the spine during the lifting phase and posture improvement.

Furthermore, deadlifts activate the hip muscles, notably the glutes and the hamstrings. The glutes play a pivotal role in hip extension, while the hamstrings aid in the flexion of the hip and extension of the knee. By targeting these muscle groups, deadlifts contribute to enhanced power and performance in activities involving lower body movements.

5. Real-Life Applications – Enhancing Daily Functionality:

Deadlifts extend beyond the confines of a gym. The fundamental movement and muscle engagement in a deadlift mirror actions we perform regularly, making it a vital exercise for functional strength and injury prevention.

Consider the posture and movement involved in a deadlift—a person bends at the hips and knees to lift a weight off the ground. This motion is akin to picking up an item from the floor, whether it’s a grocery bag, a child, or a piece of furniture. In everyday life, we frequently find ourselves in positions that necessitate this type of movement.

The muscles activated during a deadlift are crucial for maintaining proper posture and executing safe lifting maneuvers in various real-life situations. By incorporating deadlifts into your training regimen, you enhance your ability to lift objects safely and efficiently, contributing to a reduced risk of injury.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research highlights the significant muscle activation involved in a conventional deadlift, emphasizing its functional relevance for daily activities (Camara et al., 2016). This research underscores the importance of deadlifts in building strength and preparing the body for the demands of everyday life.

6. Deadlifts: Merging Strength and Cardio in One Powerful Exercise

The deadlift, often perceived as a pure strength-building exercise, is indeed a versatile and comprehensive workout that encompasses elements of both strength training and cardiovascular conditioning.

While its primary focus is on building strength and muscle mass, the intensity and mechanics of the deadlift also elevate heart rate and oxygen consumption, making it an effective form of cardiovascular exercise.

The deadlift involves lifting a weighted barbell or other resistance from the ground to a standing position while employing proper form and technique. This compound movement engages a multitude of muscle groups requiring a substantial amount of effort and energy.

The energy expenditure during a deadlift session is considerable, leading to an increased heart rate and heightened cardiovascular demand.

When performing deadlifts, especially in higher rep ranges or with shorter rest intervals, the exercise can transition into an aerobic workout.

Aerobic exercises are characterized by prolonged, rhythmic movements that stimulate the heart and lungs, ultimately enhancing cardiovascular endurance. Deadlifts can be structured in a way that mimics aerobic exercise patterns, promoting cardiovascular benefits while still emphasizing strength development.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research demonstrated that heavy resistance training, such as deadlifts, can induce a significant metabolic demand and cardiovascular response, showcasing its potential as a form of cardiovascular exercise (Scott et al., 2010).

7. How Heavy Should Women Deadlift and How Often?

General guideline

When it comes to deadlifting, determining the appropriate weight and frequency for women involves considering individual fitness levels, goals, and overall health. There is no one-size-fits-all answer as it varies based on factors like strength, experience, and objectives.

In general, the weight for deadlifting should challenge you without compromising form and safety. Starting with a weight that allows for proper technique is crucial, and then gradually increasing the load as strength improves. Women should aim for a weight that they can lift for the desired number of repetitions while maintaining good form and control.

Regarding frequency, incorporating deadlifts into your workout routine 1-3 times per week can be effective. Beginners may benefit from starting with once a week to allow for proper recovery, while more experienced lifters can handle higher frequency depending on their training split and recovery capacity.

It’s essential to emphasize quality over quantity and prioritize adequate rest and recovery between sessions to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

8. Deadlift can help with Back Pain (not all)

Recent studies have shown that doing deadlift exercises can help reduce back pain and improve movement for most people with a specific type of back pain. The study aimed to figure out which factors in a person’s body and movements can predict how well they’ll feel after doing deadlift exercises for 8 weeks.

The results revealed that people who had less pain and disability at the beginning, along with better strength in certain muscles, benefited more from the deadlift training.

However, the study suggests that before doing these exercises, it’s important for professionals to check that a person has strong back muscles and doesn’t experience too much pain to get the most benefit from deadlift training.

How to Deadlift in Neutral Spine:

1. Stand with your feet about a foot apart and the barbell in close to your chin.

2. Bend your knees and grasp the barbell with your hands wider than shoulder width using an over under grip on the barbell (with one hand facing forward and the other back or an overhand grip with knuckles on top).

3. With your chin up, inhale, contracting your abdominal and oblique muscles keeping your back and arms straight, then lift the barbell.

4. Once the barbell passes your knees extend, your torso upright pulling your chest and shoulders back with your chin rased up and a good arch in your low back.

5. When the barbell has reached your thighs, hold for a moment and echale. Keeping all muscles contracted slowly lower the barbell to the floor.

Deadlift Transformation Before and After

KATHRYN NASH deadlift before and after

“when I was in eighth grade, I was diagnosed with a severe case of scoliosis. I had to undergo spinal fusion surgery to get two 14-inch titanium rods drilled in my spine to straighten it out. It took a solid two years of recovery. My back no longer had the flexibility it used to, so I had to give up the sports I was passionate about. Now, I’ve successfully put on 13 lbs of muscle over almost a year. I am especially proud of my back growth. As I became stronger, my back pain eventually went away completely, and to this day I never really experience any pain at all. Now, being so strong reminds me of the challenge I overcame with my back surgery and keeps me super grateful and impressed that I can now deadlift three times my bodyweight. I used to be embarrassed to show my back scar in public. Now, I use my scar to show the world that one can overcome absolutely any challenge they face.”

Follow Kathryn’s Instagram: @MiniButMighty_

Jillian Bullard

deadlifts transformation

“I started working on correcting my rounded shoulders in Fall of 2020 and it took THREE MONTHS for me to even start noticing small differences in performance.

In the first picture that was still the best I could do to lock out my deadlift, even 6 months into correcting it. Like everything else, it takes time!!

It wasn’t until recently I FELT my shoulder blades squeeze back and fully lock out at the top of my lift and that was an exciting moment.

Other people tell me all the time that they don’t work on mobility because they would rather lift heavy. Well look at me there, lifting heavy. And doing it with shoulders that can go where they’re supposed to”

Instagram: @jillianbullard

Carianne Wife Mom | Powerlifting

deadlifts transformation-hunter1

“I had been stuck at 255 for over a year maybe 2.  No words can describe how pumped I am to not only pulled my goal of 275, but surpass it by 10lbs.”

August 20 vs March 21 at 275 Max: 285 MA BW: 123

Instagram: @hunter_atc_cpt

ɪᴢᴀ ɢóʀᴀʟsᴋᴀ

“It started with setting myself a goal: to improve the figure called “muscle-butt”

IG: @deadlift_queen


Lars Berglund 1, Björn Aasa, Jonas Hellqvist, Peter Michaelson, Ulrika Aasa Which Patients With Low Back Pain Benefit From Deadlift Training. 2015 Jul;29(7):1803-11. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000837. PMID: 25559899

[1] Source: According to research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, deadlifts engage a wide range of muscle groups, promoting effective fat loss.,_In_Home_Functional_Exercise.22.aspx

National Institutes of Health. (2015). Deadlift Muscle Activation: Lower Body vs. Upper Body.

Camara, K. D., Coburn, J. W., Dunnick, D. D., Brown, L. E., Galpin, A. J., & Costa, P. B. (2016). An Examination of Muscle Activation and Power Characteristics While Performing the Deadlift Exercise With Straight and Hexagonal Barbells. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(5), 1183-1188.

Scott, C. B., Leighton, B. H., Ahearn, K. J., McManus, J. J., & Aerobic and Anaerobic Power Responses to the Deadlift in Adolescent American Football Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(9), 2709-2714. (


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